First the confession: I have actually, albeit at a remote point in my past, had an Orkut account. Before you start speculating on my age and which lithic period I belong to, let me assure you that I have tried to keep up with the times.
I have embraced Facebook and even the proud owner of an occasional badge (because I must compensate for being the quintessential back bencher in school).
I am also an extremely committed whatsapp user , with membership of many groups . how many , I am not sure, but it is definitely more than 27 ( which is the number of bones in the human hand and wrist) . And because I spent my college years drowning in medical jargon, never rising to any leadership responsibility, I have even established myself as the notorious admin of a few.
Then I actually tweeted! After I overcame the feeling that the bird was symbolic of the messenger pigeons (No, me isnt that old. I have heard about them thought!) And, followed a few fellow tweeters too.
Now, finally , was the time to face the next challenge. One, that I had avoided so far.
Finally, with the blessings of all the teenagers in my life, my son included , I ventured into this unknown bastion.
And finally joined Instagram.
Strange it felt, to have to ask people if I could follow them.
Stranger it felt to have pop up notifications about some one following me, even people who sounded like a bag of surprises, like sleepypajamabingoreader. For the first few days, I kept looking over my shoulder to get rid of this feeling (side effect of growing up in unsafe Delhi, perhaps?).
But I confess I am sort of enjoying the lovely pictures and the hash tags now that I that I am used to seeing the reels and the feed.
Encouraged by a few friends, (their cumulative ages, up sort of equal the years have walked this planet, but we will let that be, for now, until the next social networking platform comes along).
I have started a series on flash fiction on instagram. Do follow me and join the conversation, as we explore this interesting and challenging format!!
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